Thursday, December 07, 2006

And around we go

Went to Mid Valley (MV) after work last night. Was happy when I finished and looked at my watch to realize it was only 7.30pm. So there I was happily thinking I’d be back home before 8. Heh, but I reckoned without the mysterious jam.

It took me all of 20 minutes to even exit the parking lot. And then the crawl just continued: inch by agonizing inch. I thought perhaps a traffic jam on the Federal Highway was back-logged all the way to MV. It finally took me and hour to clear a semi-circle around MV and then the Federal Highway was……not jammed! So the traffic jam was only around MV, like an insanely slow merry-go-round with toy cars that don’t go more than 1 kmph with frequent stops to enjoy the view of concrete and fellow toy cars.

I’ve been to MV on weekday nights and it’s never like this, so perhaps it’s the combination of several factors: the Year End Sales (Y.E.S.!), the school holidays, the people clearing their annual leave before the end of the year and even more people out for Christmas shopping.

In any case, avoid MV at all costs unless your life somehow depended on visiting a shopping mall.

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